0-3 Point Grading Rubric

All student work (except preliminary essay assignments and participation) will get either 0, 1, 2, or 3 points based on the following criteria:

  • Fail = 0 points 

    • The student work fails to engage the assignment criteria in some meaningful way such as:
      • Fails to address the stated topic
      • fails to adequately communicate any cogent thoughts (i.e., the instructor can't understand it at all)
      • Fails to follow the assignment guidelines (too short, too long, improperly formatted, etc.)
  • Low Pass = 1 Point

    • The work has no fatal shortcoming but:
      • The writing is unclear or the reasoning presented is seriously flawed in key parts
      • barely meets the stated requirements
      • barely addresses the stated topic
  • Pass = 2 points

    • The work is competent insofar as it:
      • fulfills all the requirement of the assignment
      • the writing and reasoning are generally clear and absent of major flaws
      • fully addresses the stated topic
  • High Pass = 3 points

    • The work is excellent insofar as it:
      • fulfills all the requirements of the assignment
      • the writing is clear, and the reasoning is absent of all but minor flaws
      • fully addresses the stated topic and provides a meaningful connection to some matter of importance beyond that topic.