Grading Scheme

  • Participation (15% of Grade)

  • Essays (50% of grade)

  • Essay Preliminaries (10%)

  • Reading Responses (25%)

  • Attendance: Full letter grade deduction after two absences.



The bulk of the grade in the course is constituted by averaging grades across three short (4-6 page) essays. Students will have an opportunity to submit up to four essays throughout the course, one per proposal period A through D. If a student submits all four essays, then the highest 3 grades will constitute the essay portion of a student’s final course grade. Detailed guidelines for essay requirements are available on the course website.

Essay Preliminaries

The first two essays submitted will also require the submission and instructor approval of1) a thesis proposal, 2) an outline, and 3) a rough draft. Detailed guidelines for essay requirements are available on the course website. 1 point is awarded for each of these completed, up to a total of six. Thereafter, only a topic proposal is required for submission of further essays. Topics can be proposed any time during a given paper period outlines and drafts can be completed any time after instructor acknowledgment of the previous step, but an essay must be completely turned in before another essay can be proposed.

PEer Review

Students must submit at least one peer review for a fellow student’s essay (initial partners will be assigned by the instructor). The reviewed student and instructor will both grade the review based on a rubric provided and the average of the two grades will constitute the grade for the review. Additional reviews will be graded similarly, and then all reviews will be averaged to form the student’s review grade. Detailed guidelines for good reviewing, including the rubric, are available at the course website.


Participation in class is a key to successful completion of the course.  The ability to formulate relevant questions and comments is a critical competency in the development and demonstration of course-related knowledge.  Therefore students should, on average, make some contribution to every class meeting. Students are required to submit one question on each reading to the instructor. Questions should be prepared ahead of time, and can either be emailed the night before class or asked the day of class. Reading questions count toward the participation portion of the grade.


Students will meet with instructor to discuss the writing portfolio after turning in everything generated to date on 10/21. Students will need to sign up to meet individually with instructor on the week of 10/21.


Professionalism and Academic Freedom: 

It is imperative that students are able to explore the material in an open, safe, and professional environment.  Being on time, prepared, and respectful of your peers in class discussion are all critical to creating the proper environment for a full exploration of the course content.  Accordingly, your grade will be affected by tardiness, lack of preparation, etc.

Academic Integrity

Hunter College regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations, obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious offenses against the values of intellectual honesty. The College is committed to enforcing the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity and will pursue cases of academic dishonesty according to the Hunter College Academic Integrity Procedures.

More information on the Hunter College Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures can be found at:

ADA Policy of Hunter College

In compliance with the American Disability Act of 1990 (ADA) and with Section 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Hunter College is committed to ensuring educational parity and accommodations for all students with documented disabilities and/or medical conditions. It is recommended that all students with documented disabilities (Emotional, Medical, Physical and/or Learning) consult the Office of Accessibility located in Room E1124 to secure necessary academic accommodations. For further information and assistance please call 212-772-4857, TTY 212-650-3230.

Hunter College Policy on Sexual Misconduct

“In compliance with the CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Hunter College reaffirms the prohibition of any sexual misconduct, which includes sexual violence, sexual harassment, and gender-based harassment retaliation against students, employees, or visitors, as well as certain intimate relationships. Students who have experienced any form of sexual violence on or off campus (including CUNY-sponsored trips and events) are entitled to the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights for Hunter College.

a. Sexual Violence: Students are strongly encouraged to immediately report the incident by calling 911, contacting NYPD Special Victims Division Hotline (646-610-7272) or their local police precinct, or contacting the College's Public Safety Office (212-772-4444).

b. All Other Forms of Sexual Misconduct: Students are also encouraged to contact the College's Title IX Campus Coordinator, Dean John Rose ( or 212-650-3262) or Colleen Barry ( or 212-772-4534) and seek complimentary services through the Counseling and Wellness Services Office, Hunter East 1123.

CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct Link: